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Christmas Cheer Raffle

Christmas Cheer Raffle

The winning numbers are shown below.

If you’ve won a prize then you can claim them from the bar any time after noon tomorrow but you will need to have your ticket. No ticket, no prize! Thanks to everyone who bought tickets – your support is appreciated

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Latest Club News


1. With effect from this Sunday, 24th November, the Club will close at 10.30pm every Sunday. We have noted that we have very few customers after 9pm on a Sunday so have taken this step to reduce costs

2. From 1st December, there will be an increase in membership subscriptions. Annual membership will be £15 per year and £7.50 per year for senior members. There will also be a change to the way subscriptions are timed. Currently, all subscriptions fall due on 1st January each year but with immediate effect subscriptions will fall due 12 months from the date they were last paid. For example, if you pay your subs on 20th December 2024, your subs will fall due on 19th December 2025. This eases the bottleneck of everyone trying to pay their subs at once in January and makes the management of subs much more efficient.

3. The £10 joining fee will be reinstated with immediate effect so anyone wanting to join the Club will need to pay £10, plus the applicable annual subscription of £15 or £7.50 per year.

4. The first pay as you feel gig on Saturday was a great success and the Committee would like to thank everyone who came along, and who donated towards the cost of the band. On the back of this, we will use this approach for more gigs as appropriate to offset the ever-increasing cost of putting on live music.

Thanks to members and guests for your continued support of the Club.

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Weekly Lottery Draw

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Smoking, Vaping and Work Wear

The Committee are looking to members and guests to follow two simple rules:

  1. Only smoke or vape in the designated areas at the front and rear of the building
  2. The dress code  for entry to the lounge and snooker room is smart casual attire – no work wear is allowed

The steps at the front and rear of the building are not smoking areas and should not be used as such in future.  Having smoke blowing into the building is against the regulations set out in The Health Act 2006 but on a practical level is a constant source of irritation and annoyance for most people who do not smoke or vape.

We will be asking our management and staff to enforce both rules and would ask members and guests to show respect to them if they must remind you of them. The Committee are determined to make to Club a venue which is welcoming and inclusive to everyone so please work with us on making this happen.


Bilton Club Rules

The Club rules can be viewed here. It is expected that all members and guests respect these and abide by them at all times. Bilton Club are members of Harrogate Pubwatch so if you are listed on Pubwatch you will not be allowed entry to the premises. If you cause problems within our venue we will not hesitate to put your forward for a ban from all other participating venues.

We expect all of our members and guests to respect one another and not allow their behaviour or actions to spoil the enjoyment of others.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]


Become a member of Bilton Club

There are several benefits to being a member, including discounted drinks and event tickets which are up to 50% cheaper, along with several trips and social events each year.

The joining fee is £10 per person and membership is currently £15 per year or £7.50 for those eligible to receive state pension. 

To become a member (subject to approval), simply download and complete the form below. It can be left behind the bar with the £10 joining fee and £15 or £7.50 annual subscription.   Alternatively, you can email the completed form to [email protected] and pay the fee by bank transfer (sort code 40-23-12, account number 90167975), quoting your surname with the payment.

Membership Application Form

© 2021 Bilton Working Men’s Club